
Housing for Careleavers

This can be an extremely complicated area of work.  We have successfully supported young people in challenging their housing banding.  We have campaigned with young people to ensure that the housing needs of careleavers are recognised when they move on to independence.  If you are working with a careleaver and are experiencing problems in securing them the housing they need, please get in touch for advice and assistance at help@bhyap.org.uk

Homeless 16 – 17-year-olds

The primary duty to a homeless 16- or 17-year old is under the Children Act and the ongoing duty to accommodate and support that young person will normally fall to the children’s services authority. This can entail a range of support owed to certain children ‘looked after’ by a local authority, which may continue to the age of 21 (and in some cases to the age of 24).

Children’s services cannot avoid their duty to accommodate a homeless 16- or 17-year-old under section 20 of the Children Act by claiming they were merely assisting using their powers under section 17, or by helping the young person to get accommodation through the homelessness legislation.

Contact us on help@bhyap.org.uk if you would like more information or to refer a young person for support or read our local offer (PDF) for Brighton & Hove care leavers.